Quick Look: U-Boot im Focus Edition No 21


U-Boot im Focus Edition No 21

In 2007, a publishing company finally heard the cry of enthusiasts who had long lamented the absence of a specialized publication about German submarines in the Second World War. Thus began the U-Boot im Focus series, which is issued three times per year. The series is created with the support of archives, private collectors, and well-known experts in the field. Its focus is on lesser-known facts and events, offering readers exclusive reading material and unique illustrations.

The latest edition, U-Boot im Focus No. 21, is a 58-page publication containing 65 photos, including six in color, two colored conning tower front views, one colored document, and four colored maps. It also features a reader’s forum. Most of the photos included in the publication have never been published before, and they are printed on glossy paper in the highest quality.

One of the articles in U-Boot im Focus No. 21, titled “Return from the Dreaded 13th War Cruise – A Summary of U-453’s Actions,” discusses the actions of the U-453 submarine during its thirteenth war cruise. The article offers an overview of the boat’s activities during that time.

Another article, “U-403 – The Boat with the ‘Rushing Wolf’ Emblem on its Conning Tower,” is about a Norwegian sea boat with a previously unknown emblem. The article tells the story of the boat, its emblem, and the people who served on it.

One of the “photos with a story” in this edition of U-Boot im Focus is “The March Dedicated to Kptlt. Kretschmer (U-99).” This photo captures an almost-forgotten incident from the Second World War.

The edition also features an article about U-858, the first Kriegsmarine vessel to surrender to the USA after the German surrender. The article, titled “U-858 – The First Kriegsmarine Vessel to Surrender to the USA after the German Surrender,” explores the story of the submarine and its crew.

In addition to these articles, U-Boot im Focus No. 21 contains a variety of other content, including articles about the world of U-boat crews, unusual rank insignia, and the story of Oblt.z.S. Viktor-Wilhelm Nonn (U-596).

Overall, U-Boot im Focus No. 21 is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of German submarines during the Second World War. With its exclusive content, unique illustrations, and informative articles, it offers a fascinating glimpse into this little-known aspect of history.

Available from: https://www.luftfahrtverlag-start.com/u-boot-im-focus/

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