The 2024 TV And Movies Group Build – The Green Lantern


My Journey: Building the Moebius Models Green Lantern Model Kit

Hey there, fellow hobbyists! I’m excited to share my latest adventure in model building with you all. Recently, I had the pleasure of building something different for the Hobby Link International 2024 TV and Movies Group Build, and let me tell you, it was an absolute blast!

For this project, I decided to tackle the Moebius Models Green Lantern model kit. Right from the start, I wanted to create something truly special, so I put a lot of thought into the details and techniques I would use.

First things first, I needed to set the stage for my Green Lantern diorama. I picked up a wooden picture frame from Hobby Lobby to serve as the base, and then got to work with some pink insulation foam. Using a blow torch, I sculpted the foam to create a natural, irregular ground surface. To seal it all in, I applied a generous coat of Mod Podge.

Next up, I wanted to add some texture and realism to the scene. I 3D printed some rocks to scatter around the alien planet landscape. Real sand and model railroad ballast helped to complete the look, adding depth and variety to the terrain.

With the groundwork set, it was time to focus on the main attractions: the Green Lantern and the robot. I opted for FolkArt Craft Paint to bring the rocks and ground to life, adding depth and dimension with carefully chosen colors.

For the robot, lighting was key. I wired up the base with static LEDs and incorporated Hobby Link International’s very own effects board, R.A.L.F., to illuminate the eyes and chest. The result? A striking, dynamic display that truly captures the essence of the Green Lantern universe.

Painting the Green Lantern himself was a joy. I experimented with a mix of Scale 75, Tamiya, Ammo By Mig, and Vallejo paints and washes to achieve just the right shades and highlights. The end result? A hero ready to defend the cosmos against evil.

Overall, this build was an absolute blast from start to finish. The creativity, the challenges, and the satisfaction of bringing a vision to life—it’s what keeps me coming back to the workbench time and time again. And now, as I gaze upon my completed Green Lantern masterpiece, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for the next adventure awaiting me.

Until next time, happy modeling!

Kenny Conklin


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