HobbyLink International’s Latest Ventures

Here’s the latest scoop from HobbyLink International and our grand plans for world domination, or at least the hobby market. We’ve recently dipped our toes into the 3D printing pool, producing 3D prints for sale and also have some licensing deals with various designers. In a bold move, we’ve also just started hiring designers to create figures we think should grace your shelves. Kenny’s garage is now a bustling print farm, and he’s becoming quite the maestro of quality prints.

Our first masterpiece? George Bailey from “It’s a Wonderful Life” played by James Stewart. We’re planning to add a couple more characters from that classic flick. So far, we’ve got seven busts and figures up for grabs in the shop. 

On another note, VeryFire has released their 1:350 scale IJN Yamato and Musashi models, which are now ready for your orders. Word on the street is they’ve got another Japanese heavy cruiser coming out later this year. They recently ran down their warehouse stock to move their factory closer to HQ—a process that’s nearly done. Expect stock levels to bounce back next month.

In other ship news (because who doesn’t love a good ship?), AJM has new 1:700 scale resin Royal Navy ships available, with two more on the horizon. 

Meanwhile, Reskit is diving into 3D printing complete cockpit update sets and similar goodies. They also have a few 3D printed helicopter rotor heads for sale which are a quantum leap in detail from what comes in the box.

On the electronics front, we’re still battling a global chip shortage—it’s like a never-ending episode of “Survivor.” Our lighting boards are nearly extinct, but we have a few chips left in reserve that should be manufactured this month. Once they’re gone, we’ll be playing the waiting game until more chips become available. Rest assured, we’re still tinkering away on the next version of the boards, promising new features and functions.

Thanks for tuning in!

HobbyLink International
eBay Store


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